Active at night! Bats in flight!

All is calm, all is bright!

Bat activity of mother and child!

Feeding merrily whilst weather is mild.

Sleep in roosts in peace!

Sleep in roosts in peace!


The image featured above is a capture of thermal imaging by Geckoella’s Senior Ecologist Joshua Butterworth. Clearly visible are the bats in flight above the rooftops, more detail recorded by the trained eye reveal emergence point and even mothers carrying young!

Over the course of 2023, Geckoella set out to record various emergence points across a large listed building in Somerset. Due to the complexity of the outbuildings, thermal imaging was utilised to provide a wide coverage from a high vantage point. Although the aim was to identify the emergence locations, some fantastic results of activity across the site were recorded as a by-product. This will help to secure the best future for bats at the site.